Fiuggi Guitar Festival

Fabio Mariani

Is one of the most important Italian Jazz Guitar Players, Teacher, BandLeader and Composer. Fabio wrote, in 1982, the Italian Best Seller “Trattato di Chitarra Jazz” published by Warner Music.

Fabio as worked with many musicians: Pino Daniele, Claudio Baglioni, Teresa De Sio, Mimmo Locasciulli, Ivan Graziani, Bruno Martino, Gigi Proietti, Jeff Berlin, Danny Gottlieb, Roberto Gatto, Stefano Di Battista, Rosario Giuliani, Danilo Rea, Maurizio Giammarco, Nicola Stilo, Roberto Ottaviano, Danilo Terenzi, Tiziano Tononi, Piero Leveratto, Scott Reeves, Ray Anderson, Richard Smith, Giorgio Roscigilione, Geg.. Munari, Giampaolo Ascolese, Dario Rosciglione, Michael Rosen, Stefano Sastro, Andrea Beneventano, Stefano Sabatini, Stefano Lestini, Pino Iodice, Pietro Iodice, Max Ionata, Pippo Matino, Amedeo Ariano, Luca Bulgarelli, Enzo Pietropaoli, Nicki Nicolai, ecc...!

Fabio has played in many places in USA: Los Angeles, Chicago, Milwaukee, New York. He did a clinic in Musicians Institute (Hollywood) and USC (University of Southern California) in L.A. He was Guest in CBS News from Chicago and from many Radio Stations in New York. In March 2004 the Fabio Mariani Quartet open the Esposizione Universale del Jazz in Genova 2004. In the 2005 start the new group World Wide Group. This group make the debut in Paris at the Duc des Lombardes 4th and 5th of May. The 7th and 8th recording the new album "Jazz Appeal". In the 2006 Fabio become Apple Certified Trainer for Logic Pro and the UM AATCe Apple Authorized Training Center Education.
